In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems

It is a first-of-its-kind book presenting the basic teachings of the various religious texts in one place. The holy writings in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are outlined in one book

About The Author

Arthur Taylor

Mr. Taylor is a lifelong scholar of religious texts, holding a Juris Doctorate in law, an MBA, and various other degrees. He has taught at universities in India and the USA, including as Director of Innovation at MIT-World Peace University in Pune. A speaker at global forums on religion and peace, he also founded to promote harmony among all faiths. He dedicates his work to fostering world peace.

In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems

In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems is a first-of-its-kind book presenting the basic teachings of the various religious texts in one place. The holy writings in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are outlined in one book. In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems does not attempt to describe any of these faiths, or beliefs of those who follow these texts. Instead, it merely presents what the texts themselves say in an easy-to-understand way. Over the last 20 years, the language of each text was carefully reviewed. Each verse of every text was separately reviewed for concepts. In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems and Religious Digests, over 80,000 textual references by topic (published separately) were created. A small portion of the Religious Digests’ references—a few thousand—are included in In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems as endnotes. The purpose of In Search of Heaven’s Truth: Seven Gems is to,

  1. present each of the seven texts for the billions of readers who may never have read or considered them;
  2. provide the reader with a very credible and carefully documented understanding and cross-referencing of various religious texts; and,
  3. imbue a greater understanding and respect for the followers of different religions.

Page Count

232 pages


Bluerose Publishers

Publication date

2 October 2024

Reading age

13 years and up

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